The PRI Announces Their 2024 Reporting Framework


Julien Hryshko

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Compliance Alert

  • ESG

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) formally released initial details about the upcoming 2024 reporting cycle for PRI signatories. The reporting tool will open in May, 2024 and end in July, 2024 for a 12 week reporting window. The PRI will use the information obtained through this reporting cycle to create Transparency Reports and Assessment Reports, which will be released during November of this year.

Reporting to the PRI 2024 reporting framework will be mandatory for those signatories that either reported in 2023 but did not meet minimum requirements, opted not to report during their voluntary reporting year, or reported during 2023 and chose to keep their responses private. The PRI's minimum reporting requirements have remained unchanged this year:

  • A Responsible Investment Policy that outlines the overall approach to responsible investment or guidelines on environmental, social, or governance (ESG) factors and which covers >50% of AUM
  • Senior-level oversight of responsible investment
  • Internal or external staff implementing responsible investment

Minimal changes were made to the PRI 2024 reporting framework from last year’s iteration, however, there are some notable updates. For those signatories that submitted in 2023, the PRI has added functionality to the reporting tool to allow for pre-filling of information from the prior year, but signatories will be required to check and confirm responses prior to submission. Additionally, the PRI notes that approximately 10% of the questions in the reporting framework were updated for 2024, with changes primarily including minor amendments to improve question logic and clarity as a result of feedback from PRI signatories – the vast majority of these enhancements were made within the Organizational Overview (OO) module and the Policy, Governance and Strategy (PGS) module.

ACA recommends that PRI signatories begin preparing for the 2024 reporting cycle well in advance of May.

How we help

ACA’s ESG Advisory Services can help you prepare for the 2024 PRI framework reporting cycle by reviewing your ESG program against the announced framework, highlighting gaps and areas for potential focus, and providing guidance to close those gaps as well as support with the actual submission.

If you have any questions about how ACA can support your ESG reporting, or if you would like to learn more about our services, please contact our ESG Advisory Practice.

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