GIPS Compliance Notification Form Now Available


ACA Performance Services

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  • Performance

Firms and asset owners that claim compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are required to notify CFA Institute of their claim of compliance. Each GIPS-compliant firm must submit the GIPS Compliance Notification Form by June 30 of each year. Firms completing the form must include data as of December 31, 2019. Note that the form can be submitted anytime between now and June 30 and is not dependent upon completion of a firm’s 2019 verification.

Firms should document any policies and procedures that are in place to ensure this requirement is met. Any firm not submitting their notification form by the June 30 deadline will not be in compliance with the GIPS standards and must not claim compliance with the GIPS standards until a submission is made. 

For More Information

For questions related to this requirement, please contact your ACA engagement team or