Strategies to Transform Your Compliance Program with Technology - #6: Regulatory Priorities


ACA Group

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  • RegTech
  • ComplianceAlpha

Regulatory Technology (RegTech) has come a long way in recent years. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), and robotic process automation (RPA) are being integrated into compliance technology at an increasing rate, enabling better data sharing and communication among different systems. RegTech platforms are also being consolidated and interconnected to provide a 360-degree view of potential risk and misconduct.

RegTech can give your employees, and yourself, tools and processes to be more efficient and effective at managing day-to-day compliance tasks and mitigating risk.

So, how do you do it? We've put together a series of strategies for implementing technology that will empower you and your team to build a better, more efficient compliance program.

Strategy #6 - Prioritize automation using the regulators’ priorities

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are typically transparent about their regulatory priorities and their views on technology and compliance.

Use the current focus areas as well as recent alerts and communications from the regulators to help prioritize the components of your program that can be best served by automation.

For example, automating your firm’s marketing and advertising reviews can help your firm comply with the SEC’s new Marketing Rule more quickly and efficiently, and can help you be better prepared and transparent in the event of an SEC exam.

Download our guide

What do you need to know as technology’s role in compliance management grows? This guide provides six strategies, insights, and resources about tech-enabling compliance, whether you’ve already started your digitization efforts or don’t know where to begin. Download our guide for our complete series of strategies.


How we help 

Automate and streamline compliance and risk management tasks with ACA’s Regulatory Technology solutions. 

ACA’s ComplianceAlpha® software platform helps you automate manual tasks, identify risk through enhanced surveillance capabilities, derive deeper insights through connected data, simplify the submission of requests and disclosures for employees, and free up valuable time for more strategic, higher-value tasks. Our award-winning regulatory technology platform transforms risk and compliance management for over 1,250 leading financial services firms worldwide. By bringing together risk and compliance activities, surveillance, testing, and analytics in one platform, ComplianceAlpha provides a unified view of risks and behavior across their firm. 

See our RegTech solutions in action

Click here to watch on demand demos that illustrate ComplianceAlpha's functionality and explains how it can elevate your firm's daily compliance functions.