2020 GIPS Compliance Services

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are a set of voluntary, ethical principles that guide investment firms on how to calculate and present their investment performance.

Firms across the industry are challenged not only by becoming GIPS compliant but also by maintaining such compliance. We can assist your firm with overcoming these challenges by helping build and improve upon your framework as well as by providing firm-wide verifications and performance examinations.



GIPS compliance by the numbers

According to the ACA and eVestment 2018 Manager and Consultant Survey:

Number of consultants


That expect to require alternative asset managers to comply with the GIPS standards

Number of consultants/investors


that believe more pension funds, foundations, endowments and other asset owners will claim compliance with the 2020 GIPS standards

Number of consultants/investors


that exclude managers from searches some or all of the time if they do not claim GIPS compliance

Our solutions

Pre-Compliance Consulting

We assist firms with developing the roadmap and building the framework to claim GIPS compliance. Our pre-compliance consulting addresses:

  • calculation methodologies
  • policy and procedures development
  • composite membership guidelines
  • a thorough review of your marketing and advertising disclosures
Firm-wide Verification

Our independent verifications are designed to assess whether your firm is adhering to the GIPS standards. Our firm-wide verification services will confirm:

  • Whether your firm has complied with all the composite-construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis
  • Whether your firm’s processes and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance results in compliance with the GIPS standards

Third-party verification brings credibility to the claim of GIPS firm compliance and supports the overall guiding principles of full disclosure and fair representation of investment performance. Many asset managers find that consultants and institutional investors require GIPS-compliant firms to be verified before moving forward in any searches.

Performance Examinations

We provide comprehensive, focused performance examinations of specific composite track records. Our examinations could include:

  • Whether composite calculations are in compliance with the GIPS firm compliance standards 
  • Whether the composite’s compliant presentation includes all of the required statistics and disclosures of the GIPS standards

A firm cannot claim that a particular composite has been examined unless a performance examination has been completed. A performance examination can only be conducted by a verifier after, or in conjunction with, a firm-wide verification.

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woman on phone holding pen looking at finance report

Why claim GIPS compliance?

  • Provides additional credibility in presenting performance numbers in the marketplace
  • Reinforces existing client relationships and opens doors to consultants and potential clients
  • Fosters comparability of investment results
  • Often required in order to be considered for institutional mandates
  • Demonstrates commitment to best practices and industry standards
  • Facilitates a solid operational foundation for performance calculation and advertising

Expert Consulting and Verification Services

For over two decades, ACA has earned the trust of our clients by offering expert consulting and verification services. Find out why most firms trust ACA for their GIPS compliance services.

Performance Webcasts

Get Ready to Comply: SEC Marketing Rule Preparation Timeline

The compliance date for the SEC's New Marketing Rule is November 4, 2022. With 1 year to go, ACA’s team of experts have put together a suggested preparation timeline guide to help firms prepare to implement the changes necessary to comply.
