Threat Intelligence, Phishing Testing, and Monitoring

Protect your company from cyber attacks with our phishing threat intelligence.

Cyber threats are constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay on top of new threats and address them as quickly as possible. We provide cyber alerts and ongoing monitoring to help protect your company from cyber attacks. We also offer phishing testing and monitoring services to protect your business.



Our solutions

Phishing Testing and Training

One of the simplest ways a hacker can penetrate your network is via email using a tactic called phishing, or, in a targeted effort, spear-phishing.  Successful phishing, vishing (telephone-based phishing), and spearphishing can lead to ransomware, payment fraud, and other cyber crimes. The FBI has reported that people lost $57 million to phishing schemes in 2019.

We deploy targeted email campaigns that are designed to test your employee’s ability to identify phishing threats. We use the results of our phishing assessments as part of our staff security training, which covers phishing identification and other essential skills and tools for identifying threats and preventing data breaches.

We periodically issue timely alerts on cyber events and technology concerns that may be relevant to your business. Our alerts provide strategic guidance to help you protect your company and understand how to best prevent or remediate issues.

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Domain Registration Monitoring & Paste Site Monitoring

Over 100,000 domains are registered every day, many for malicious purposes. We monitor newly registered domain names and alert you when a domain name that resembles your firm’s domain is registered so that your firm can take action to combat attempts to steal sensitive information or infringe on your firm’s intellectual property.

Hackers often post sensitive data about their victims or targets on anonymous paste sites to share with the broader hacker community. We monitor select anonymous paste sites for mentions of your firm’s domain or IP addresses, as these could be indicators of an upcoming or ongoing attack.

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Solution Spotlight

Aponix Protect™ comprehensive cybersecurity and technology risk solution

Aponix Protect helps firms address evolving cyber risks and threats to ensure that their cybersecurity needs are covered year-round. This phishing threat intelligence testing service and monitoring solution is available in three tiers, each one designed to provide firms with a flexible, robust, responsive, and cost-effective cybersecurity program. 

Latest insights

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Severe Vulnerability Discovered in LoadMaster & Multi-Tenant Hypervisor

This critical flaw could lead to serious business disruptions, including data breaches and the potential loss of control over critical infrastructure.

Cyber Alert
  • Cybersecurity
Building with windows

Creating Value in a Cybersecurity Portfolio Oversight Program

A programmatic approach to cybersecurity portfolio oversight not only focuses on traditional downside risk management activities, but also on value creation opportunities.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Resources
  • Portfolio Company Risk Management
ACA Vantage

Managing Risks in a Cybersecurity Portfolio Oversight Program

A programmatic approach to cybersecurity portfolio oversight is recommended for a consistent approach to managing risk across the portfolio.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Resources
  • Portfolio Company Risk Management
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ServiceNow Vulnerability Requires Immediate Attention

Recently discovered vulnerabilities in ServiceNow, a widely used IT service management platform, have exposed organizations to significant risk.

Cyber Alert
  • Cybersecurity
abstract image with a lock and shield

National Counterintelligence and Security Center Warns Against Use of Investments by Foreign Adversaries

The U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center published a bulletin warning that foreign threat actors may use private investments – such as venture capital and private equity – to exploit tech startups, presenting a potential threat to economic and national security. Learn more about how to navigate this concern.

Cyber Alert
  • AML and Financial Crime
  • Cybersecurity
  • Portfolio Company Risk Management
  • Private Fund
ACA Vantage

Building a Value-Generating Cybersecurity Portfolio Oversight Program

It has become imperative that private equity firms institute a programmatic approach to portfolio oversight, meaning oversight that is formally governed, applied consistently, and grows valuations.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Cybersecurity Resources
  • Portfolio Company Risk Management


Former SEC Leader Robert Baker Joins ACA Group's Tech-Enabled Mock Examination Team

We are pleased to announce that Robert Baker, JD, CFA has joined ACA Group, bringing nearly two decades of experience from the Examination and Enforcement Division at the SEC.

ACA Group Broadens Global Footprint Through Acquisition of the Effecta Compliance Group

Acquisition strengthens ACA’s ability to support clients expanding into the UAE and broadens offering to UK firms .

No Conversation Left Behind: ACA's Advanced Communication Channel Capture for Total Oversight

ACA Expands Communication Channel Capture to Strengthen Compliance Oversight

Upcoming events

Lessons Learned from 2024's Scariest Cyber Breaches

Join ACA Aponix’s cybersecurity experts Greg Slayton and Aaron Pinnick for our annual discussion of some of the most interesting and impactful cybersecurity breaches and incidents that occurred in 2024.


Beyond the CCO: Firmwide Benefits of Outsourcing GRC

We'll explain how the decision to outsource GRC services is no longer just a win for the Chief Compliance Officer – it offers a solution that can deliver substantial value across the entire C-suite and enterprise.
