From Detection to Recovery: Mastering Cyber Incident Response Planning


While firms devote significant resources to minimizing the risk of cybersecurity disruptions, not even the best program can prevent all incidents. From cyberattacks that can cost firms millions in direct and indirect costs, to third-party outages that can grind a firm’s operations to a halt, ensuring the firm is prepared to quickly respond to and recover from an incident is a critical activity for compliance and cybersecurity leaders. But with a constantly evolving cyberthreat landscape, new regulatory expectations for operational resiliency, and the rapid adoption of new technologies, building an effective incident response plan can be a daunting task.

Join us on June 13th at 8:00am PDT / 11:00am EDT / 4:00pm BST to hear from ACA Aponix and Kivu’s cybersecurity and incident response experts about lessons learned, and best practices from our work helping hundreds of firms build, assess, and improve their incident response plans.

Discussion Topics

  • Basic and advanced tactics around building and maintaining an incident response plan
  • Practical insights on how firms assess their incident response plan, and close identified gaps
  • Guidance on how firms should be evolving their response plans to keep pace with changing technology (e.g., AI) and threats


  • Greg Slayton, Director, ACA Aponix
  • Dan Saunders, Director of Incident Response, Kivu

Join us
Thursday, June 13, 2024
8:00am PT | 11:00am ET | 4:00pm BST

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